GITA 2 - Matthew Cho


In this project we made a website differentiating between misinformation and disinformation using styling css.


In this project we made a website explaining new technology using styling css.

Business Card

In this project we made a website that displays to fit a phone.


In this project we practiced positioning by making a collage of things that we like.

Merchandise Project

In this project we made a website that does calculations with textboxes, buttons, and display boxes.

Dice Game

In this project we made a game that rolls dice and gives the percentages of chance.

Craps Game

In this project we made a game that simulates the game Craps.

Triangle Checker

In this project we made a website that checks if the values inputted make a triangle.

Ball Bounce

In this project we made a website that simulates a rectangle that moves vertically or horizontally and balls bouncing that coalesce if they connect or disappear if they touch the rectangle.

Space Invader

In this project we made a game where you try to shoot an enemy that moves left and right and progresses slowly downwards.

X-treme Coding

In this project we made a website that makes coding look like an extreme sport.

Circle Bounce 2

In this project we made a website that uses arrays to simulate balls of different color, size, and velocity that bounce around


In this project we made a game where you fly a helicopter to avoid birds and earn points.

Computing Info Website

In this project we made a website that informs about computing innovation.

Number Array

In this project we made a website that lists 5000 random values between 1 to 5000, and tells the index of the number the user inputs if it is in the array.

String Program

In this project we made a website that

Number Array with Binary Search

In this project we made a website that lists 5000 random values between 1 to 5000 and lists them from highest to lowest. It generates random numbers from 1 to 5000 and tracks the average amount of times binary search was used to find them.

Arcane Clash (GITA 2 Final)

In this project I made a game where you type in the correct letters to defeat your opponent. This project uses arrays, animation, loops, and multiple sprites. I am very proud of this.


This is GITA 2 or AP Comp Sci Principles, where we are currently learning html, CSS, and javascript.

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